Using our Discord Server for All Communications

Using our Discord Server for All Communications

Please take a moment to join the rest of the team on our Discord server. It's a really important part of the judging process and a great way to connect with everyone.

Great to have you in here judging. Before you get right into it can you please take a moment to join the rest of the team on our Discord server. It's a really important part of the judging process and a great way to connect with everyone. Don't worry if you haven't used Discord before, it's super easy and we are here to help.

Steps to Join Discord

1. Click this link below to join Judges Channel on The Rookies discord server.

Join the The Rookies Discord Server!
Welcome to The Rookies, a community for aspiring artists who want to succeed in film, games, animation and more. | 13315 members

2. Click "Direct Messages" located top-left of app.

3. Click "Find or start a conversation" to open a search box

4. Search for myself (Andrew McDonald) or Alwyn Hunt, and click the name.

5. Introduce yourself. We will then assign you to the Private Judges channel so you can join the discussions.

Private Judges Channel

Once you have successfully joined the server and been assigned access by myself or Alwyn, you will gain private access to the Rookie Awards 2024 - Judges Channel.

This is where all the action takes place, and somewhere that you should frequently visit as all communication will go through here.

Channel Introduction

This is where all communication is done, which is why it's so important for you to be active, and visit often.

  • The channel uses a Forum layout. This simply means that each discussion is broken out into it's own container which allows for easy reading and commenting.
  • Create your own New Post by clicking button located top-right.
  • To find posts, you can click on the tags located under the search input to filter the view (important, voting, support, general...).

Quick Tips for New Discord Users

If you're new to Discord, these tips will help you navigate and make the most of our community space:

  1. Profile Setup: Take a moment to set up your profile. A clear profile picture and a recognisable username can help everyone know who you are.
  2. Notifications: Discord channels can get lively! Customise your notification settings by right-clicking the server icon and selecting "Notification Settings." You can mute channels that aren't relevant to you.
  3. Direct Messages (DMs): You can send private messages to individuals by clicking on their profile picture and selecting "Message."
  4. Explore Channels: Our server is organised into channels, each with a specific topic or purpose. Take a look around and feel free to join conversations!
  5. Ask for Help: If you're unsure about something, just create a post in the Rookie Awards channel.

Full Server Overview

You will notice in the left hand column there is a list of heaps of channels. These are member channels that are used for different discussions. Here is an overview of each of them:

We encourage all Pros/Judges to join in discussions when possible, but understand you may not have time to participate. 


👋︱welcome: Welcome to channel & rules (you are here)
📢︱announcements: Important news about The Rookies and this server
🔐︱get-access: Add roles to pimp out your profile
🌟︱feature-requests: Requests for improvements to server and website
🎤︱introductions Introduce yourself to everyone here


💬︱lounge: Share news and chat about creative media
🚧︱feedback : Share incomplete projects that you're working on right now
🆘︱help : Get help with software and specific skills.
📺︱resources : Links to software, websites and other cool finds.
🏫︱schools : Talk with other students or just find a place to study.
jobs-archived: Post job openings and advice about careers
📰︱discover : All the latest news from our website.
📹︱live-streams : Regular live events hosted by us


🟡︱rookie-awards-2024 - Biggest opportunity to launch careers in creative industries.
🗓︱weekly-drills: Chat about latest weekly drills
[contest_name] - Individual channels per live contest